CommunityVotes Chesapeake 2025

Our Daily Gnome Creative Arts Center

Nominate 'Our Daily Gnome Creative Arts Center' in the following categories.
Nominate Nominated! Art and Enrichment Programs in Parenting and Childcare
Nominate Nominated! Art Lessons in Education, Lessons and Courses
Nominate Nominated! Arts Lessons in Education, Lessons and Courses
Nominate Nominated! Childrens' Activities in Parenting and Childcare
Nominate Nominated! Family Recreation in Sports, Recreation and Fitness
Nominate Nominated! Non-Profit in Services

Our Daily Gnome Creative Arts Center

729 S Battlefield Blvd B
Chesapeake, VA

Kids have big feelings that aren’t always easy to express. Just like ART they are MESSY. 

At Our Daily Gnome Creative Arts Center, we help navigate those big feelings through fun art lessons, workshops and support groups.